Saturday 11 January 2014

Smiles dont Lie.... they are everywhere

Sometimes I think that people get so caught up in the negative feels in life that they don't take time out to realise how many reasons there are to smile, I am talking about those little unexpected things that have you high fiving and fist pumping on your inside. Here are some catalysts to my happy and the creeping smiles that they bring. 

Fresh Sheets - Saturday is one of my favourite days of the week. Not only for the sleep ins but because its clean sheet day. That stiffly tucked, delightful smelling softness that makes bed time the best time of the day. 

Make Up from the Night Before - Yeah look I know its a cardinal sin to sleep in your makeup and its bad for your skin and blah blah blah but really there is nothing better than waking up from a big night and having your make up still good to go. A dusting of pressed powder, a quick coat of mascara and some lip gloss and you are good for the day. I am sure you know by now that I am all  about working smarter not harder. 

Peeing after holding on - You are busting, beyond busting, physical pain level and you only just manage to get your pants down before a little bit trickles out (you are lying if you say that it hasn't happened to you), that pee feels like the best thing that has ever happened to you in your existence. I've had better pees than I have had orgasms.... that's how good that feeling is. 

First Beer of a Hot Day - The VB song started playing in my head just then, cause a hard earned thirst etc etc. You've been working hard all day, you're parched, that beer does amazing things to your insides as it travels its way down your food pipe. I personally prefer to use Cider but any amber beverage would suffice. You've earned it 

Clean STD Tests - I am by no stretch of the imagination a whore (despite what you may read in my blog, those experiences have been spread over many years) but I am super paranoid about getting any of those dreaded STDs so I go and get tested on the regular even if I am not engaging in sexual activities and I KNOW that I ALWAYS used condoms on my adventures. When the tests come back clean that sense of relief that you feel is euphoric. 

N.B If you get Chlamydia what evs, I know more people that have had it than those that haven't. I will admit to having had it. It was the worst experience of my life and I don't think my vagina confidence has been the same since. I have been tested three times since the incident because I am so paranoid that really it didn't go away and its still lurking in the background and will suddenly pop up and go "SURPRISE. SLUT!!!!" 

A Message from a Guy you Like - I am probably one of the most level headed people that I know (Well i like to think that I am) but if I get a message from a guy that I like I turn into this big gooey smiley pile of mush. To know that someone is thinking of you just as much as you are thinking of them is pretty special. This is always out weighed with the disappointment that you feel when the message is actually from someone else, yeah sure its good that someone is thinking of you, but its just not that someone that you want. 

Sunsets - There is a line in Macklemores song that goes "Oh damn, look what God Did" and this is what I feel about sunsets (even though he was talking about a girl). I wish for amazing sunsets every day, and when there is one I am constantly caught staring at the sky. Its one of life's little magic moments. 

Seeing My Dad - I don't hide the fact that I am a daddies girl. My Dad is hands down my most favourite person in the whole world. He is smart and witty and makes me laugh and fills his fridge with Polony and Spearmint Milk when I am coming home because he knows how much I like them. I think I used to take advantage of the fact that he would always be around and then when I moved I realised how much I missed our time together. Dads are awesome. End. 

Smiles - It does matter who they come from but when they are genuine and directed at you they ignite something within you. I have a current smile obsession with Tuka, when ever I see his smile in a photo it just makes me smile. Smiles Don't Lie after all. 

Food with a surprise flavour - I was eating a salad at the pub the other night and there was a bit of coriander in my salad. I love Coriander (I know that it is not to every ones tastes) and it made me smile. I loved the fact that my Wednesday night steak could throw me a little curve ball. We are so conditioned to having things one way so when they are a little bit different its gotta make you have them feels. 

Living in a City where love is accepted - I was walking down Bourke Street Mall the other day (for those who aren't aware of Melbourne, its the main shopping street and its always PACKED) and saw a couple holding hands, this is a pretty normal occurrence yeah?  but this was a Gay couple. They were oblivious to the world and their love for each other was so apparent that it made me eyes water a bit. And the best thing of all of this was the fact that no one was judging or giving them strange looks because it isn't "the norm". It made me happy to be here and be part of my generation. 

Chivalry - In this day and age where everyone is always after what is best for them and damn everyone else, moments where chivalry isn't dead take you by surprise. Last week every time I was in the lift with a guy he always waited until I got out before he got out and today the guy that I went out with opened all the doors for me. Its a little thing that speaks volumes, people are still willing to put someone else first with no payback... thats pretty awesome dont you think? 

They say that money cant buy happiness and I am 100% in agreement with that. My happiness generally comes from things that are free, life is beautiful, you just need to take the time to notice it. 

Love and Smiles 

Miss K 

2.36... That smile. It gets me every time. 


  1. Chivalry? It is just an ulterior motive to getting laid sooner. When have you seen a fat lady get a door opened for her or given a seat on the tube? Men are gentlemen around pretty girls.

  2. Sorry to sound Pedantic, but.... happiness comes from life which is not free. You need money to live. To eat food to carr yon living to experience happiness you need money or an item to barter with. Finding a place to sleep with a roof over your head in relative safety needs money and that brings you happiness. :oP
