Wednesday 6 November 2013

My Over Active Imagination says....

As a child I could always think of amazing stories and amazing games to play by myself and was often told that I had a great imagination (this might have helped me with adventures in my adult life as well, mainly this little adventure that I call blog writing). The world of my over active imagination didn't stop as a child and still runs rampant today, like just before I was walking past my neighbours house and heard noises which conjured all sorts of disturbing images in my head. Is it normal to have these strangely inaccurate musings on life?

Strangers in the Window – My child hood house had a danger fraught route to the toilet in  the after dark hours. To get to the facilities you had to walk through the kitchen with its giant window that looked out into the dark dark back yard. I was always convinced that there were people watching me through the windows so would avoid going to the toilet just so they wouldn't be able to get me. I will disturbingly admit to having peed in the bath a few times because the route to the bathroom wasn't so treacherous and didn't involve going through the kitchen. Judge as you might at least I didn't pee in the bed or in a cupboard like I have heard other people doing (even as adults)

Excessive Package Deliveries – The house across the road from mine gets a lot of packages, like I mean the DHL man comes every morning. Either this person likes online shopping or they are in fact drug dealers and their latest shipments are being delivered under the disguise of the DHL. Of course it is the drugs, we live in a nice area and they have a HUGE house and a BMW. Where else would all that money be coming from?

It hides in the darkness – when its dark that’s where the serial killers hide. They just sit in the bush and wait for you to walk/drive/helicopter past them and then they jump out and steal your soul. They can run really quickly (like quick enough to liquid metal onto the back of your car) and they will fuck you up no questions asked. I spent my teenage years living in a house in the Perth Hills that was close to a national park. In this national park there was a train tunnel that was no longer used and on walks through the tunnel  I always used to think that there would be people in there waiting to grab me or that the baddies had already been there and dumped their prior victims in the tunnel because it was so dark and they would never be found, heck if I was going to Murder someone that’s probably where I would put them (if anyone winds up dead in the tunnel, I live in Melbourne now, it wasn't me)

Vibrations through the Wall -  I live in an apartment as most trendy hipster inner city kids do and part of living in an apartment is hearing the noises that come through the wall and if my hearing is correct my next door neighbour has a giant vibrator that she uses EVERY night. Really what else could it be, who uses a blender and/or food processor every night. She does have a very good looking boyfriend and sometimes the noise is going when he isn’t home. He must be unsatisfactory between the sheets. Don’t worry sister I know how that is. This isn’t actually the first time that I have thought this whilst being in close living confines. On walking downstairs in my first Brunswick share house I heard a noise that was distinctly vibrator like, I was awkward and embarrassed for the inhabitant of bedroom one, well you can imagine my relief when she appeared brandishing not a vibrator but an electric shaver. Turns out that they make the same noise. Who knew.

Cat Carriers – If there is a bag in the middle of the road, be it a grubby pillowcase or a paper Maccas bag, there is cats inside it. Poor little baby cats that weren't wanted and someone put them in the bad to dispose of them. If they leave them in the road and someone runs over them its not their fault is it? YES IT IS. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CATS IN BAGS. It started off as a fear and then when I got a car low enough that hitting anything would destroy everything it turned into a real phobia. I think it stems from someone telling me that they drowned kittens in pillowcases. Get your cats fixed, this is a much better alternative than what comes to my mind.

Bodies in the Bowl – I only put the toilet seat down in public toilets when I have done something that I would like to cover up or a smell that I would like to entrap. It only goes without saying that everyone else lowers the seat for the same reason. This is the main reason that if I go to a communal toilet and the seat is down I will go to another toilet just so I don’t have to lift the lid. Under the lid there is probably very likely to be a new born baby, a severed hand or a kitten (again with the kittens). Do me a favour, leave the seat up, even if you did leave skiddies, at least then I know what I am getting myself in for.

Its all about me – when people are talking and whispering, they are talking and whispering about me. ALWAYS, all of the time. When there is a meeting between bosses, I am the main topic of conversation. Call it guilty conscious possibly even though my rational mind knows that I haven’t done anything that would warrant these conversations and on the scale of bad I probably don’t even register. This probably comes from being bullied as a child, when people were actually talking about me. Or it may come from my inflated sense of self worth, why would they want to talk about anything else, I AM the most interesting thing out there and did you see my recent facebook post? I would probably talk about me too. And thanks I did know how amazing my hair looks today, it was nice of you to notice.

We all have the little things that cloud our minds and our judgement, the people hiding under the bed, the snakes in the closet and that tiny midget that is sitting on our back seat waiting to kill us. I suggest that you take your inner most imaginations and use it for creative pursuits. It has seemingly been beneficial to me

Love and Thought Bubbles

Miss K  

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